Preschool Music Classes
A Magical Connection of Math & Science through Music.
Music FunTime, an innovative and proven early childhood curriculum, has music classes for kids 18 months to 7 years old. Music FunTime is not a simple play group where children sing, dance, jump & play instruments. Our program is based on John-Hopkins Research that children 7 and under can learn to read music notation and symbols, play instruments, while fostering their ability to grasp math and science as they develop.
Register your child today for Music FunTime by calling 319-377-3343.

Music Funtime for Toddlers!
Ages: 18 months to 3 years
Class Length: 30 min
Class Requirements: May require parent/caregiver in class
Class Description: Playing simple instruments Copying Rhythms Singing/Playing loud vs. soft, slow vs. fast Learning to match pitch Movement, dancing & clapping Exposure to various musical genres
Price: $75.00 (per month) Includes materials

Music Funtime for Preschoolers!
Ages: 3 years to 5 years
Class Length: 30 min
Class Requirements: Parents/caregiver not required
Class Description: Group workshop teaching music theory to teach young children to read music notation Music & Crafts workshop Playing simple instruments Playing music rhythms Learning to match pitch Exposure to various musical genres
Price: $75.00 (per month) Includes materials
Build Your Preschooler's Confidence
You can learn more about this incredible music program on the program's website here musicfuntime.org.
To register please call Marion Music Academy directly at 319-377-3343!
We can't wait to make music with your child!
Musical Crafts
Our special “musical crafts” lessons teach children music theory in a fun, artistic way. Kids love it!
Music Theory
We teach your child to read music in the same manner they are taught letters, numbers, colors, shapes, etc. We have created an array of colorful music teaching tools and worksheets that teach rhythm, pitch, notation, symbols and key signatures.
Musical Instruments
Students are given a backpack of rhythm instruments at registration to use in class and at home. Throughout the course, additional instruments are provided adding variety, diversity and fun! All students are introduced to piano, guitar, percussion, violin, bells, kazoos, flutophones and recorders.
Live Performances
Music FunTime offers students the opportunity a few times a year to rehearse in a larger group and perform at public venues, this gives the children the understanding of listening to other performers and grows confidence in themselves.
Teaching the Fundamentals of Music Theory with the Magical Math & Science Connection for ages 18 Months to 7 years!rs!