Last year, we did our first ever 100 Days of Practice Challenge here at the Academy. Students had a lot of fun challenging themselves to practice for 100 days in a row without missing a single day. We had quite a few students complete the challenge, and even students who didn't make it all the way to the end still had fun and learned they could practice more than they thought they could!
This week, the challenge returns for a second year! If you or your student are participating, you might have a few questions about how the challenge works. Never fear, we have answers here!
What’s the 100 Days Challenge?
We’re challenging Academy students to practice for 100 days in a row! No gaps, no missed practice!
Every day?
Yes, every single day! If you start the challenge on Monday, February 3, you’ll finish it on May 12. You need to start by February 20 to finish by May 29.
How do I keep track?
We have a special chart for you to take home & use to track your progress! You can mark the circles off each day. Your teacher or Paige at the front desk have extra stickers for you to use if you’d like.
What counts as practice?
Ask your teacher! They’ll have specific goals for you to meet. In general, younger students should expect to practice about 10-15 minutes a day for it to count, and older students should expect to practice 15-25 minutes a day. (Advanced students, we expect many of you to be practicing between 45 min. to 2 hours a day!) Daily band, orchestra, and choir class in school won’t count as daily practice, but if you have an extra event that day (a concert, competition, honor ensemble, or audition), your teacher may let you count the extra event as your daily practice.
What if I’m traveling, or get sick?
Your teacher will have ideas for how you can practice even if you can’t use your instrument that day. They may suggest listening to recordings, doing theory or rhythm drills, playing with music flash cards, or practicing finger patterns away from your instrument. You can still practice!
What if I accidentally miss a day?
You can get a new chart and re-start the challenge. You may not be able to reach 100 days in a row by May 29th, but you can still earn the Music Bucks for 25, 50, or 75 days, depending on how many days are left before the end of the challenge.
Do I get rewards?
Yes! You get extra music bucks for each milestone you meet:
25 days in a row: $20 Music Bucks
50 days in a row: $50 Music Bucks
75 days in a row: $80 Music Bucks
If you complete the whole 100-day challenge, you’ll get another $200 MB, a certificate of achievement, and a special medal at the June recitals.
Happy practicing, everyone!
For more information or to sign up for lessons you can contact Marion Music Academy at 319-377-3343, or click here to sign up for a free trial lesson.