Are you a high school violinist or violist wanting to audition for the Iowa All-State Orchestra in the fall? This summer, instructors Dr. Gabrielle Harvey & Christina Mixemong will be leading special All-State prep sessions to help you play your very best!
All-State auditions include three components: scales, a solo, and excerpts of the orchestra music that will be performed at the All-State concert. Our Prep sessions are designed to help prepare you for all three!
Participating in the Iowa All-State Orchestra audition process is a musically challenging process. Students are required to learn professional symphonic music, as well as play scales and a solo at a high level of proficiency, as they compete for seats with students from around the entire state. As teachers, we see year after year that our students who prepare for the auditions grow exponentially as musicians because of the challenge of learning such difficult music in such a short period of time.
We'll have three prep sessions this summer, and a mock audition shortly before the LinnMar school All-State pre-audtion:
Friday, July 19, 1-3 PM: Scales & solo Friday, August 9, 1-3 PM: Excerpts & scales Friday, August 16, 1-3 PM: Excerpts & scales
Friday, August 30, starting 7:00 PM: MOCK AUDITION!
If you're already an Academy student, the fee for participating in all four sessions is $80. If you can only make it to one or two sessions, the fee is $30 per session.
Not an Academy student? We'd still love to have you! Outside students are welcome to participate for $100 for all sessions, or $45 per individual session.
To register for the All-State Prep sessions, please stop by the front desk at the Marion Music Academy, or call us at 319-377-3343.
For more information or to sign up for lessons you can contact Marion Music Academy at 319-377-3343, or click here to sign up for a free trial lesson.